For those of you that have signed up for Orbital and do not yet have partners, no worries!

We have this event specially scheduled for you, to help you find a prospective teammate.

Wednesday (20 April) 16:3017:30 at the newest, coolest NUS Enterprise space: The Hangar (I3 Building; Level 1; 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, opposite Sheares and Kent Ridge Halls)

During this event, we’ll be having some catered light snacks and we will be provisioning you with the list of other invited students (very soon) that have similar interests to you.

Be sure to let us know whether you’re coming or not (for catering counts!) by replying to this email or by shouting out to everyone on our #findacopilot Slack channel (didn’t you add yourself already to our class’ Slack?)

Update: The event is over !  Thanks to all of you who’ve stopped by and had a cookie or a sub or a drink or all three!  Those who are still seeking partners, fret not.  There is still time to find a partner (via Slack’s #findacopilot, and during Liftoff itself).

Awesome Possum!Slack for iOS Upload





Pics from the Hangar.  Thanks NUS Enterprise for the space!

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