Paypal’s team will be giving a short tutorial on Magento — an eCommerce web framework for PHP. Unfortunately, the presentation cannot be recorded (PayPal policy) so you’ll actually have to be on site to get access to this tutorial.
The Mission Control Session will be held in SR3 from 6-8pm. This is the default timing and location unless otherwise specified (we are working to have some sessions elsewhere when possible; we’ll let you know).
Also, if you want to participate in the hands-on session, you’ll need to have access to a LAMP / MAMP (virtual) machine. You can requisition one through eForms in MySoC or come with your own. For beginners, please note that this requirement (to set up a LAMP server) is not for the faint-of-heart — it can take more than several hours. You may find it more enjoyable just to come to listen to the tutorial instead of actually trying the hands-on-exercises. So this particular workshop may be considered more intermediate level.
We’ll also be on Askbot and G+ Hangouts (gmail ID knmnyn, perhaps others) to answer your technical questions (not just Magento) for those of you thinking of participating virtually.