Posted on May 21, 2013 by orbital

Min will be giving a short tutorial and hands-on for Twitter Bootstrap — the CSS framework that is useful for giving a pretty decent look for most websites. A key part of Bootstrap is in its responsive design, making sites look decent on small resolutions (low res smartphones) as well as big ones (your 30″ Apple Thunderbolt Display).
This is a beginner level session — applicable to any web-based project.
The Mission Control Session will be held tentatively at SR3 from 6-8pm next week; please check back with us in IVLE and Askbot for updates.
UPDATE: We’ve gotten permission from Blk 71 to host it at their space!! Come join us over at Blk71’s Seminar Room 1. Click on the event venue Image on the right for Google Maps info.
Post event update — Re-Recording done
For those of you who missed it, or were a bit confused about it; you can watch the re-recording I’ve done of the show here.