Posted on January 28, 2017 by orbital
Happy holidays!
We have received a few questions about the programme so we would like to answer them here for your information:
Q1. When does the registration start?
Registration starts in early March. We will make an announcement here once the system is ready.
Q2. I am not an SoC student, may I still register for Orbital?
Yes. Although this program mainly caters for year one SoC student, we do have quota for any NUS students. Please go ahead to register when registration starts.
Q3. Are there any fees for taking part in the programme?
No. Although you are to work on your project during summer, the module credits will be given to you next semester, as if you are taking the module then. Therefore, you do not need to pay any fees for the summer.
Q4. Can the module credits be counted towards something other than unrestricted electives (UE)?
No, unfortunately. However, in the past, many students took Orbital for the experience even though they did not need the module credit.