Posted on May 7, 2015 by orbital
As you know, we’ll be having 300+ students in Orbital Liftoff, and dealing with all your peers may be a bit difficult logistically.
1) Just in case you weren’t sure, lunch is on your own. And we’re all breaking for lunch at the same time. As such you may find that that the trek back and forth from I3 to Biz / Arts canteen or other places nearby for the short, 1 hour lunch break is really too short. For those who can pack a lunch to bring, this might be a better alternative (I know I will).
2) If all of us whip out your laptop and plug them in, the building will go dark (just kidding). Bring freshly charged laptops to the venue and alternate with your partner so you both can just use one (You heard of pair programming, right? Now try paired down programming…) Power banks are good if you are using a mobile device too.
3) Wi-fi: same here. Wi-fi is know to be spotty in COM1 and last year in i3 we didn’t have any problems with Wi-fi, but if we can all be considerate and turn off the ‘net on devices that you don’t need it for, we’ll all have a better chance of trying some of the hands-on online.