Posted on August 21, 2014 by orbital

This is it! Tomorrow’s the big event — Splashdown — the capstone to your project!
Some tips:
– Make sure you eat a good meal tomorrow and have a water bottle for drinking. It gets noisy with 200+ people all talking in one classroom!
– Do print out your posters early. It will be busy tomorrow and you should try to get your posters done early. If you do them today, you can drop them off at the “poster locker” in the Undergraduate Office (COM1 #02-19). Ask Ms Mah Chain Yee, or Ms Nur Arifah to help you place the posters in the right area for pickup tomorrow.
– Make sure to practice your pitch and presentation, even having a way to show your off your products — small leaflets or QR codes with reminders (with project IDs) can be helpful. Also, no one looked bad by dressing up a bit for these types of events (we will be taking pictures! Hope you’ll put your selfies on Facebook and link them back to the Splashdown FB page — we have one, didn’t you know?). There will be some first year students coming to Splashdown, so you can also chat with them to tell them about your lessons learned.
– You will be receiving your voter ID tomorrow either by email (most likely) or at the registration desk. You will need to take note of this for tomorrow’s best project voting. Keep an eye out for it. You will need your smartphone (or stop by the registration desk) to do the voting. Please do it to keep our event lively! Note down the projects you think are worthy of being crowned best of Vostok, Project Gemini or Apollo 11.
– Do reciprocate that effort — take the session you’re not in to look around and to see what your other teams have been able to do. Say “Hi” to your peer teams that you may have only known virtually and give them a boost too for this final run.
– We will be starting an alumni of Orbital page soon, and if you want your name to be captured on there (with your level of achievement), please send Min and Wee Sun a private note by Piazza or by email <>, <>. If you have a LinkedIn or other social media account and would like to be endorsed for specific skills — by default it would be Google App Engine and Python — also send an invitation to us so that we can eventually (in a few weeks after Splashdown) do this for you.
That is all. Houston, out.