The updated programme timeline and the details of the application process are as follows:

1. Programme timeline
– (mandatory) Liftoff (10-17 May): project idea formulation + planning
– (mandatory) Milestones 1/2/3 (31 May/28 Jun/26 Jul): project status update.
– (mandatory) Splashdown (25 Aug): poster presentation + awards ceremony
– (optional) Mission Control (15/22/29 May + 5/12 Jun): workshops on technical / software engineering topics + project consultations
Due to the COVID-19 situation, all the events will be online so you do not need to be physically in Singapore for the programme.
(Note: If the situation has improved sufficiently in the second half
of the year, Splashdown might be held as a physical event.)
Nevertheless, some form of online submissions will be required for all the mandatory events so please make sure that you have proper internet access for the submissions.
2. Application process
Tentatively, the application for Orbital 2021 will be open on 10 Mar with an (online) information session on the same day. The application will be closed on 17 Mar and the successful applicants will be notified by email by mid Apr.
During the application period, you will need to complete an online application form and upload a project proposal. A sample proposal can be found at
Please watch out for our email / Facebook announcements for more updates.
For more information about the programme, please check out the following links:

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