[ Access previous versions of this page (14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21), kept for posterity. ]
Orbital’s Splashdown is the closing event for Orbital. Come find out what our newly-minted 2nd year SoCians have been doing over the summer!
This event takes place in late August and consists of a online voting process, a project presentation session, invited talks and an awards ceremony.
Orbital 22 Splashdown (24 Aug) @ NUS Enterprise (https://goo.gl/
- 6:30-7:30pm Project Presentations (by various teams)
- 6:30-6:35pm Introduction (by Jin)
- 6:35-6:45pm DiscreteTech
- 6:45-6:55pm Ghussy
- 6:55-7:05pm JavaBean
- 7:05-7:15pm NUSPlanner
- 7:15-7:25pm Shooting Portals
- 7:30-7:45pm What’s next after Orbital? (by Jin)
- 7:45-7:55pm Announcement of the Best Adviser Awards
- 7:55-8:10pm Messages from PayPal (by Andrew Gregovic)
- 8:10-8:20pm Announcement of the Best Project Awards
- 8:20-8:35pm Messages from Google (by Peh Jiale)
- 8:35-8:45pm Announcement of the Judge’s Choice Awards
- 8:45-9pm Closing remarks and photo-taking
A total of 414 teams have completed their Orbital project and their projects are now showcased at our project gallery @ https://bit.ly/orbital-gallery!
The photos of the event are now available @ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=nus.orbital&set=a.521732133091061.